
Finally, an outfit-post on my blog! I spent the last weekend with a friend of mine and apart from enjoying the nightlife, drinking tea in cute cafés and strolling through London, we actually managed to find the perfect location to squeeze in a little shooting-session before sunlight was gone. Eventhough the lighting conditions were not exactly perfect, I think the photos turned out quite great. As beautiful as this time of the year is with the cold, clear air and everybody getting excited for christmas, the lack of sunlight is really annoying me. Especially because it makes feeding the blog almost impossible. What is more, I have a super important exam next week that I have to study for. Meh. But as I am always looking on the bright side I'm really looking forward to the holidays, doing a little christmas shopping and visiting home! Are you as excited as I am? love from ldn, lea

dress: monki // shoes: dr.martens // socks: american apparell // pullover: my dad's // bomber: thrifted // choker: weekday // rings: hardware store

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh yes i am! Christmas is coming!!! :D